our story
Hele Mua started with a simple belief: Hawaii’s tourism industry could give back to the land and people who sustain it. The journey began with me hosting beach cleanups with friends after witnessing the overwhelming amount of plastic on our shorelines. I wanted to make a difference, so I volunteered with other nonprofits to learn how they organized cleanups and noticed something missing—there wasn’t a specific effort focused on engaging hotels and tourists in these initiatives.
Seeing this as an opportunity to bridge visitors with the local community, I began hosting cleanups through the organizations I worked with, encouraging various groups I was a part of to join. We collaborated with students from the University of Hawaii, showing them firsthand the challenges our beaches face and motivating them to embrace more sustainable choices.
After hosting independent cleanups with friends and building momentum, I decided to formally incorporate Hele Mua in November 2023. This step allowed us to accept donations and offer tax deductions to supporters, making it easier to expand our efforts and amplify our impact.
Today, Hele Mua continues to move Hawaii’s sustainability movement forward by empowering communities—both locals and visitors—to malama `aina (care for the land) and take action for a cleaner, more sustainable future.
Why we exist?
Hawaii’s beaches face growing threats from pollution, microplastics, and the tension between local communities and the tourism industry. At Hele Mua, we’re addressing these challenges by hosting interactive beach cleanups that foster collaboration, cultural understanding, and environmental stewardship, creating a sustainable future for our `aina (land).
Our Mission
Hele Mua’s mission is to bridge the gap between Hawaii’s tourism industry and local communities by hosting interactive events that combine cultural education and environmental stewardship. Through our efforts, we aim to inspire sustainable living, protect Hawaii’s natural resources, and foster a deeper understanding of Native Hawaiian values and practices.
Our vision for the future
We envision a Hawaii where the tourism industry and local communities work in harmony to protect and preserve the `aina (land), perpetuate Native Hawaiian cultural practices, and inspire sustainable living. By fostering collaboration and education, we strive to create a future where Hawaii leads the world in regenerative tourism and environmental stewardship.
Yes. We are a federally recognized 501-c3.
At Hele Mua, every donation directly supports our mission to bridge Hawaii’s tourism industry and local communities through sustainable practices and cultural education. Your contributions help fund:
Event Costs: Covering supplies and materials for interactive cleanups and cultural events, such as microplastic sifters, trash bags, gloves, and educational tools.
Volunteer Support: Providing refreshments, safety equipment, and resources to enhance the volunteer experience.
Educational Programs: Developing and delivering cultural and environmental workshops that educate participants about sustainability and Native Hawaiian practices.
Advanced Technology: Investing in innovative tools to remove microplastics and pollution more effectively.
Operational Costs: Ensuring we can organize, promote, and expand our initiatives while staying true to our mission.
Hele Mua sets itself apart by targeting a unique group of participants—visitors and locals—while creating meaningful opportunities for tourists to volunteer. By showcasing tourists actively engaging in environmental stewardship, we aim to improve the relationship between locals and visitors and demonstrate how tourism can contribute positively to our community.
In addition, we utilize advanced technology, such as Buoyancy Separation Devices (BSD) and Huli Sifters, during our cleanups. These tools not only improve efficiency but also emphasize the sheer volume of microplastic pollution in our shorelines, offering participants a firsthand understanding of the challenges our environment faces